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A. Scott West Biography


My first novel was given to me by my Aunt at the age of thirteen. Before then, I only read because I had to for school. When I unwrapped that book, I found Stephen King's Christine staring back at me. Since I was not much of a reader, I was disappointed. I would rather have had cash or a video game. Still, my Aunt asked me to give it a try, let her know what I thought.


That evening as I laid in my bed, I opened the book. It drew me in. It made me ravenous for more. Soon, I finished all of King and moved on to Barker, Herbert, Wilson, Poe, Lovecraft, and Koontz. My favorite authors could not write enough to sustain me, so I continued to branch out, purchasing shelf after shelf of horror, staying up late into the night, consumed by stories. I attended the University of Washington and graduated with a Writing and English Degree. I did what all English graduates did back then, I entered the technology market. In the 90's it was a different world, and computers were just warming up. I had an affinity towards them, so I pursued a career. I spent the next thirty years building applications, building companies, building what I thought would be legacies. I ignored a deep calling, a beast beating its fists against my brain, desperate to escape.


I married a wonderful lady. We met at a camp for children and adults with special needs. She stole my heart wearing Birkenstocks, a tie-dye shirt, and these horrible Khaki shorts. Together we raised two exceptional children. One went off to the Navy, married, and gave us our first grandson. The second is following in her father's footsteps and is attending the UofW, WOOF! Life is rich, yet I was still unfulfilled, and the beast rattled its chains.


When COVID raised its wicked head, and I could not go out for Friday night movie openings, watch the horses races, or spend time with anybody (a miserable place to be as an extrovert), I started to write, and I loved it. Alysia Rose sprang from my soul. In eight months, I had the beginning of a fantastic adventure for the reader and the characters.


After working my tech job during the day, you can now find me writing down my nightmares while sipping on a Coke Zero or, if it is late in the evening, two fingers of Bad Dog Bourbon.


Join me on this journey, ride the rollercoaster, just lower your head when we enter the cavern. You will need your eyes to read.


A. Scott West

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